We are a small partnership of highly specialised and experienced lawyers – a boutique law firm for international business law. We focus on advice in relation to business in Europe, the MENA Region and Central Asia, cross border transactions, and legal disputes.
Our aim is to provide our clients with just the right advice – specific, precise, business oriented and cost effective – no standardised memos, no oversized teams, no legal nonsense.
We develop intelligent solutions – taking into consideration the complexity of the matter, law and practice in the relevant jurisdictions, and the specific needs of our clients. The feedback we receive from our clients confirms that we are on the right track.
JÄGER HEINTEL Rechtsanwälte
“The best submissions in litigation I have ever seen.”
“Spectacular Support.”
With more than 15 years of experience in the MENA Region, we cover every field of business law in all of the region’s jurisdictions – from Morocco in the West, to Iran in the East.
We help our clients to structure their business in markets and jurisdictions that are challenging, and often little known. Our aim is to identify the solution that is the most appropriate to our clients’ needs; sometimes, the only reasonable solution is complicated and complex – but quite often it is very straight forward.
We regularly assist our clients in cross-border legal disputes, both in Germany and, with the support of local litigators, abroad; in particular in the MENA Region, we can draw on a well-established professional network of reliable litigators.
Combining our own international legal background with professional resources on the ground, we are able to develop specific dispute resolution strategies appropriate to each client under express consideration of expected costs and duration of the proceedings; the question whether enforcement of claims can ultimately be achieved is at the forefront of our considerations.
If a decision to enter into legal proceedings is taken, we stay at our client’s side all the way and remain their permanent contact person, irrespective of whether such action takes place in Germany or abroad.
Entering into cross-border transactions regularly means moving into unknown territory; naturally, clients do not always feel comfortable when they take such a step.
We assist our clients in deciding whether such a venture should be undertaken in view of the legal and actual risks abroad. Should the situation appear favorable, we see it as our key task to help shape the legal framework for a proper implementation of the transaction in the interest of our clients; but equally important, it is our goal to provide our clients with a loss-preventing exit option, should the project not turn out as originally planned.
We are also frequently asked to advise foreign investors on a broad scope of M&A transactions and real estate acquisitions in Germany.
We recently advised:
- a German provider of systems for the power supply, telecommunications and traffic engineering industry on a regional distribution structure in the Middle East
- a German technology provider for buildings, bridges and complex dynamic structures on a regional distribution structure in the Gulf Region
- a German car manufacturer on restructuring its distribution network in Kuwait
- a major European shipping and logistics company in setting up an agency network in Iraq
- a Spanish toys retailer on a franchising strategy for the UAE
We recently advised:
- a German provider of identification and identity solutions on a major government project concerning a personalization system and the production of ID Cards in Iraq
- a German healthcare technology provider in relation to a hospital construction project in Iraq
- a German provider of banknote printing and cash handling solutions in a major EPC project in Egypt
- a major European construction company on an EPC contract in a sewage infrastructure project in Iraq and the corresponding regulatory issues
- a German engineering contractor in relation to a medical infrastructure project in Libya
We recently advised:
- an International Oil Company on the acquisition of an oil service provider in Iraq
- a German mid-sized automotive sector company in successfully selling its business to US investment vehicle
- a German automotive engineering sector company in successfully selling its business to an Indian investment vehicle
- an Malaysian oil and gas service provider in acquiring a German corporate target company active in the gas logistics sector
- a Hong Kong based investment fund on the acquisition of a major participation in an oil production sharing contract in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
We recently advised:
- a German chemicals and energy company on a joint venture with a public sector entity in Egypt
- a German industrial gas manufacturer on a local joint venture in Iran
- a Lebanese electricity contractor in relation to a joint venture with a German-French/US electricity equipment manufacturer for a project in Syria
- an Italian company manufacturer of paints and coatings in relation to the restructuring of its regional joint venture company in the UAE
- a German energy technology company in relation to a renewable energy related joint venture in Egypt
We recently advised:
- a German car manufacturer on a regional import financing structure and the corresponding regulatory issues
- a European bank on a secured loan to a leading local corporation for the construction and operation of a gas-combined-cycle power plant in Iraq and the corresponding regulatory issues
- an Egyptian Project Developer on the financing agreements for the construction and operation of a university city project in Egypt
We recently advised:
- a German automotive company in an agency dispute and litigation in Bahrain
- a German engineering company in an ICC arbitration concerning claims against a customer in Oman
- a Swiss crop production company in an agency dispute and litigation in Saudi Arabia
- a US-German construction equipment manufacturer in an agency dispute in Algeria
- a major US contractor in litigation in Iraq relating to subcontractor payment claims
- a Swiss-German car manufacturer in litigation against the Iraqi government
- a US/German tool manufacturer in an ICC arbitration concerning claims against its terminated distributor in the UAE
JÄGER HEINTEL Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB
Tal 43 ∙ 80331 Munich ∙ Germany
T +49 89 380 33 09 40
Dr. Stephan Jäger
T +49 89 380 33 09 50
M +49 172 865 87 42
Dr. Daniel Heintel
T +49 89 380 33 09 60
M +49 176 236 121 64